Card Monk - A flashcards world

This is where you can create any flashcards. Technical or Non-technical, ideas, recipes you name it. You can group the cards, clone other cards, sort them, link cards from other people, share them, make them private, apply themes you name it, Card Monk's got everything. Most importantly put all your interview preparation related flash cards at one place so next time revising interview material is easy.


- Featured Cards -


Let's you create flashcards in any topic, you can group them and create a deck of cards, You can share the whole deck, share one card, include other people's cards in your deck, clone other people's card and edit it, there are so many ways you can get your thoughts organized.

Preparing for Exam / Interview / Collection thoughts

This is one stop shop but free shop where you can collect your thoughts, ideas, notes, even we let you create cards of different varieties

Preparing for Exam / Interview / Collection thoughts

How about that

Get organized with variety of cards, including multiple choice questions. Car monk let's you CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) your flash cards anywhere and you can group different cards, link other people's publically shared cards, sort them the way you see them in a group and many more

How about that

Enjoy you life

Write one and access anywhere

Enjoy you life

Interview Preparation

Never have to look through interview material again, just create the flashcards and organize them the way you want them and access anywheere even offline.

Interview Preparation

Here's what people are saying

Sarah Kline

"Pure genius. I am always on this app on my phone, Card monk mobile app let's me put my thoughts rightaway. I have deck of cards on my ideas, famous inspirational quotes. This website is just to easy to use and you can access it offline"

Sarah Kline
Shawna Murray

"This site has saved me tons of time, every time I had to prepare for interview, I had to shuffle through, notes, interview material, emails, nmot any more I have created different kinds of cards which are grouped, I also have commemts and suggestion by other people on my cards."

Shawna Murray
Blake Elder

"Each time I have to prepare for a meeting or company event speech I collect my thoughts and Card monk let's me arrange them and all my cards are private and securly stores."

Blake Elder

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